-To extract the certificate that contains a QR code , Please click on request certificate
-Please write all personal data matching your passport and keep the Request Batch Number to inquire about the certificate later
- This certificate does not need any additional Fees or signatures from Ain Shams University
-This service is provided to you free of charge without any fees
-To follow up on the certificate request, please go to the certificate inquiry page and enter the reference number
- This certificate does not need any additional Fees or signatures from Ain Shams University
-This service is provided to you free of charge without any fees
- For those who wish to receive a paper certificate, they can submit a request through the certificate request page and keep the reference number after completing the saving process to inquire about the certificate later through the certificate inquiry page
- Receipt of the paper certificate one week after the date of the request
-This service is provided to you free of charge without any fees